Moving Concierge Services
About Moving Concierge Services
It’s no secret that the moving process is overwhelming and no fun! Consider a Moving Concierge to alleviate this stress by taking care of your move from the early stages to post move-in.
The Benefits of Hiring a Moving Concierge
There is so much more to moving than just the move day. A Moving Concierge can relieve you from all or some of the following:
Cleaning your old home after you’ve left and the new one before your move in
Carpet cleaning
Junk removal
Handyperson for small repair or to patch/paint wall holes
Packing and unpacking services including moving supplies
Hire movers and be onsite on move day to oversee
File a change of address
Assist in arranging stop/start/transfer services from utilities and service providers
Drop off excess items for donation
Coordinate vehicle transportation
Coordinate the move of specialty items such as a piano, wine collection, grandfather clock, etc.
Arrange for storage of your excess belongings offsite
Help placing furniture and art in new home to optimize flow
Purchase new furniture and art for new home
Life Simplified’s Moving Concierge Services
Life Simplified will coordinate the entire moving process from start to finish. Walk out of your old home and into a new one - all set up and ready to live in! Don’t let your move throw off your routine and lifestyle. Whether you just need some support in the process or want to pass off the entire move, we’re here to help!